Optimize - Content manager for Shopify
Optimize - Content manager for Shopify

Adding new products in Shopify? You can do it faster.


Easily copy, paste and modify info from other products.

White spots

Identify the "gaps" in your data and then fill them.

Work Lists

Automatically creates work lists for all products missing filters, for example.

Shopify Content Manager

Managing product information, such as entering meta fields and variant information by product, can be time-consuming and frustrating. It requires many clicks and a lot of time for each individual product, without the option of importing. This can lead to loss of interest, so you'd rather skip it or scrap it. In addition, traditional PIM systems are often expensive and require extensive implementation. We offer a solution to this problem, namely the Content Manager. With this tool, we help you save time entering product information. It is clear and affordable and simplifies the process by reducing the number of clicks. 

Moreover, you can use AI to optimize even further. With our AI Content Creator, you can automatically generate product descriptions, which not only saves time but also improves your online visibility.

How the Content Manager works

The Shopify Content Manager is an easy way to add information to your product catalog. This tool automatically retrieves the created products in Shopify. You can then conveniently and quickly supplement these products with the desired information. Think for example of meta fields, variants and collections that you cannot add to products with a standard import.

You can smartly filter gaps in your data and then create worklists that are always up-to-date so that you can see at any time what info is missing in what place.

The benefits at a glance

  • Efficiency: Save valuable time with automated management of your product information.
  • Consistency: Guarantee a uniform brand experience across your entire product catalog.
  • Overview: Stay in control by understanding your whitespots.
  • Visibility: Increase your online visibility with comprehensive product information.

Automatic product texts with the AI Content Creator

The AI Content Creator automates the writing of product and category descriptions. This tool allows you to quickly and effectively generate content that is not only engaging, but also optimized for search engines. By simply entering parameters such as text length and keywords, the AI creates descriptions that match your content strategy.

The collaboration between the Content Manager and the AI Content Creator ensures a smooth approach to your product information. With these tools, you manage it effortlessly and ensure consistent and attractive online content. The result? Increased online visibility and a better customer experience, allowing you to spend less time on content creation and more focus on growing your business.

Our service

A regular contact person

During the project you will have a regular contact person who will do the intake, discuss progress and take care of the delivery.

Response within 1 day

If you have any questions or comments during or after the project, we will respond within 1 business day.

Coffee is ready

You can always stop by for a cup of coffee, cozy!

Sparring partner

Challenge us with a new challenge you are facing, we would love to think with you.

Question & Answer

What is the lead time for implementation?

The lead time for implementation is 2 to 3 weeks.

Can I make changes in both Shopify and the Content Manager?

No, if you have switched to the Content Manager this is where the "truth" lies. Customizations you make from here, we automatically sync them to Shopify.

When is the Content Manager of interest to me?

If you spend a lot of time enriching your data and regularly have a whole list of products that should actually be in your shop, the Content Manager is definitely interesting. You can offer more products much faster that can provide a sales boost. In addition, you can get busy with other things!

Can you also import my current products into the Content Manager?

Yes you certainly can.

What does the implementation look like?

First we do an intake to discuss your requirements. Once the specification is clear, we get to work (if desired) importing your current data and linking it to your shop. After activation, your team will receive a short training and you can get started!

Is your question not listed?

If so, please contact us.

Professional solutions,
fixed prices


Meta fields and Variants.

from €100 per month

Implementation from €1,250.

  • Inventory
  • Implementation
  • Manual
  • Short training
  • Support
Plan Demo


Meta fields, Variants, Collections.

from €100 per month

Implementation from €1,500.

  • Inventory
  • Implementation
  • Manual
  • Short training
  • Support
Plan Demo

Extended +

Additional options available upon request.

from €150 per month

Implementation from €1,900.

  • Inventory
  • Implementation
  • Manual
  • Short training
  • Support
Plan Demo
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