Custom applications
Custom applications

Custom solutions for Lightspeed and Shopify


For apps that help increase productivity

API links

Link with your suppliers, warehouse software or any other system


Looking for a tool to easily migrate data?

Custom Tools For Lightspeed

Duxly has been a Lightspeed partner for many years. Lightspeed is a complete eCommerce system for retailers who want to grow their (online) business. Thanks to our short lines and good relationship with Lightspeed, we can quickly support you with the set-up of your custom solution.

For Shopify

Shopify is an emerging platform with more and more features for growing entrepreneurs. Due to the accessible API, this is also a suitable platform to develop custom solutions on. For example, we link Lightspeed Retail with Shopify, but can also provide product synchronization between both platforms.

Our service

A regular contact person

During the project you will have a regular contact person who will do the intake, discuss progress and take care of the delivery.

Response within 1 day

If you have any questions or comments during or after the project, we will respond within 1 business day.

Coffee is ready

You can always stop by for a cup of coffee, cozy!

Sparring partner

Challenge us with a new challenge you are facing, we would love to think with you.

Question & Answer

How do I know what it will cost?

We go through your requirements during the intake and can give an indication based on these requirements. This is often followed by an inventory in which we specify the exact requirements and compare them with the possibilities. After this phase, we can discuss a final price.

What can I do?

It helps to write out in advance as specifically as possible what your requirements are!

How can I already prepare the business case myself?

It is natural that the investment you make is going to pay off. Therefore, think carefully about how much time this solution would save you, or errors. Based on your estimate, we will think together and make an appropriate proposal.

How will the project proceed?

After the intake we will start an investigation into the possibilities. In the conversation that follows we will inform you about this and together we can make choices. If the specification is clear, we will then start the development. We work in Scrum, which means that we add new functionality in iterations (development rounds of 2-4 weeks). We start with a Minimum Viable Product: an application with the minimum requirements. You can then test this before we continue.

What types of applications are possible?

We can create an application that runs in the background to automate certain processes, but we also create full apps to easily see orders in the warehouse, for example. Anything is possible.

Is your question not listed?

If so, please contact us.

Professional solutions,
fixed prices


Research opportunities

from €500

  • Inventory
  • Draw
  • Implementation
  • Manual
  • Short Training
Schedule appointment


Implementation desired solution

from €1,250.

  • Inventory
  • Draw
  • Implementation
  • Manual
  • Short Training
Schedule appointment

Monthly Fee

If the solution is live

from €50 per month

  • Inventory
  • Draw
  • Implementation
  • Manual
  • Short Training
Schedule appointment
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