Sendcloud is a leading provider of shipping solutions for
e-commerce companies. Sendcloud has been dedicated to simplifying and streamlining the shipping process for thousands of
e-commerce companies, and we are proud to share their innovative solutions with our customers.
Sendcloud was founded by a group of friends who understood firsthand the challenges and frustrations of logistics management for e-commerce companies. They wanted to create a solution that would make the shipping process more efficient and cost-effective. Since then, Sendcloud has had an impressive journey and has become a partner for more than 23,000 e-commerce businesses. Sendcloud strives to save companies time, money and effort on their most critical logistics processes. They offer a range of solutions that enable e-commerce businesses to optimize and improve their shipping process.
Sendcloud makes the shipping process for e-commerce businesses simple and efficient. Here's how it works in six easy steps:
Step 1: Link your shop
Step 2: Activate your favorite carriers
Step 3: Increase your checkout conversion rate
Step 4: Save time on every order
Step 5: Keep your customers informed with unique tracking
Step 6: Offer a hassle-free return experience.
Duxly is proud to partner with Sendcloud to provide our customers with advanced shipping solutions that drive efficiency, customer satisfaction and growth for e-commerce businesses. If you're looking for a reliable partner to optimize your logistics processes, Sendcloud is the right choice. Contact us today to find out how Duxly and Sendcloud can work together to increase your e-commerce success!